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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Insurance statistics

Balance sheet


Quick download:

Entity Level Frequency Data Note
Solo Quarterly xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Solo Annual xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Group Quarterly xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Group Annual | xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf

Note: The balance sheet statistics follow the Solvency II template S.02.01 (please see the annotated reporting templates). The statistics provide the aggregate Solvency II values for each item in the balance sheet. For information and explanation of each individual item, please refer to the QRT instruction files.

Own funds


Quick download:

Entity Level Frequency Data Note
Solo Quarterly xlsx csv | xlsx | pdf |
Solo Annual xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Group Quarterly xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Group Annual xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |

Note: The own fund statistics provide an extract of key data items from the Solvency II template S.23.01 (please see the annotated reporting templates). For information and explanation of each individual item, please refer to the QRT instruction files.

Premiums, claims and expenses


Quick download:

Entity Level Frequency Data Note
Solo Quarterly xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Solo Annual xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Group Quarterly xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |
Group Annual xlsx | csv | xlsx | pdf |

Note: The statistics on premiums, claims and expenses provide an extract of key data items from the Solvency II template S.05.01 (please see the annotated reporting templates). For information and explanation of each individual item, please refer to the QRT instruction files.

Asset exposures

Entity Level Frequency Available reference dates Available aggregations Data
Solo Quarterly Q4 2017 - Q4 2023 By country xlsx |

Note: The statistics on asset exposures provide aggregated data based on the Solvency II reporting template S.06.02 (please see the annotated reporting templates). For information and explanation of each individual item, please refer to the QRT instruction files.

Use of transitional and LTG measures

Entity Level Frequency Available reference dates Available aggregations Data
Solo Annual 2017-2022 By country xlsx |

Note: The statistics on transitional and LTG measures provide aggregated data based on the Solvency II reporting template S.22.01 (please see the annotated reporting templates). For information and explanation of each individual item, please refer to the QRT instruction files.

Cross-border premiums

Entity Level Frequency Available reference dates Available aggregations Data
Solo Annual 2020-2022 By country xlsx |

Note: The statistics on cross border activity provide aggregated data based on the Solvency II reporting template S.04.01 for life and non-life direct business. For information and explanation of each individual item, please refer to the QRT instruction files.

European Insurance Overview

The Annual European Insurance Overview is published by EIOPA as an extension of its statistical services in order to provide an easy-to-use and accessible overview of the European insurance sector. The report is based on annually reported Solvency II information. This ensures that the data has a high coverage in all countries and is reported in a consistent manner across the EEA. 

Entity Level Frequency Available reference dates Data Report
Solo Annual 2022 xlsx | digital report|

Capital add-ons

EIOPA needs to report annually to EU institutions on capital add-ons in accordance with Article 52 of the Solvency II Directive (to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission).

Capital add-ons reported are those imposed pursuant to the Article 37 of Solvency II Directive and Articles 276 - 287 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35.

EIOPA has prepared the statistical table on the use of capital add-ons in the European Economic Area (EEA) based on 2022 year-end Solvency II data as reported by the undertakings and insurance groups via the Solvency II Quantitative Reporting Templates (QRTs). The statistical update also includes historical information.

For the first time, it was further enhanced with a dashboard, which aims at complementing the existing Excel file to make the data more visual and dynamic. The content remains unchanged. 

Type Entity Level Frequency Available reference dates Available aggregations Data
Capital add-ons Solo and Group Annual 2017-2022 EEA and country xlsx | html

Previous statistical releases

The historical data series are updated with every new statistical release. Changes in historical series generally stem from corrections and resubmissions from (re)insurance undertakings and groups. As the information contained in previous releases may differ from the most recent release of historical data, the previous statistical release is available below. 

Entity Level Frequency Previous release
Solo Quarterly zip |
Solo Annual zip |
Solo European Insurance Overview zip |
Group Annual zip |
Group Quarterly zip |

Latest release which included the UK

Data from the United Kingdom is no longer included in datasets with reference dates after 2020. The latest release which included the UK is available for download below, but is no longer updated or maintained.

Entity Level Frequency Previous release
Solo Quarterly until 2020 Q4 zip |

Indicators from financial stability reporting

Large insurers (groups and solos not belonging to a group that reports for financial stability purposes) report according to the Guidelines on Financial Stability Reporting (link). The indicators below are based on this reporting.

Type Entity level Frequency Avail. reference dates Avail. reference years Available aggregations Data
Profitability and duration FS-reporting solo and groups Annual Q4 2016 - 2023 EEA xlsx |

Statistical time series (2005-2015) based on Solvency II

Download statistical time series (2005-2015).

Note that the former statistical annex to the EIOPA Financial Stability Report is no longer maintained or updated.

Legal disclaimer

While the statistical information published on this website is based on sources considered reliable, EIOPA does not guarantee its completeness, accuracy or adequacy. Therefore it may be necessary for EIOPA to amend and/or update the statistical information after it has been published. EIOPA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever resulting from the use of the information provided. For more information, go to Legal notice.

The EIOPA Statistics section uses integration with Microsoft PowerBI which is hosted on Microsoft Azure. Data necessary to run the service, diagnostic data and service generated data will be transferred to Microsoft. Such data may include information related to the operation of the connected experience that is needed to keep the underlying service secure, up to date, and performing as expected. It may also include data about service performance, device connectivity, and configuration. Microsoft pseudonymizes and aggregates such data, which is used to make sure performance, security, scaling, and other services that impact the experience. More information can be found here. No other personal data is collected or transferred to Microsoft.